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    Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc.
124 Marriott Drive, Suite 203
Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Phone: 850-488-4180 / Toll Free: 800-580-7801
TDD: 888-488-8633 / FAX: 850-922-6702




Values & Principles

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Vision, Mission, Values, & Principles

All individuals – with and without disabilities – live, learn, work, play, and participate together in all life experiences.

To improve transition services and increase the number of youth with disabilities who achieve their desired post school outcomes.  


  • Highest expectations for all youth, including youth with disabilities;
  • Equality of opportunity for everyone, including nondiscrimination, individualization, and inclusion;
  • Full participation through self-determination, informed choice, and participation in decision making;
  • Independent living, including skill development and long-term supports and services;
  • Economic self sufficiency, including through competitive employment, even if with supports, is everyone’s life goal; and,
  • Transition planning is individualized and person-driven.


  1. To implement a comprehensive statewide plan for transition, that systematically addresses secondary and postsecondary transition issues that will assist the young people of Florida to make successful transitions from school to adult roles and to initiate the process for aligning resources at the federal, state, and local level to influence and increase interagency collaboration toward postsecondary education and transition efforts; and
  2. To increase capacity at the state and local levels to implement strategies that result in improved transition outcomes for students with disabilities in Florida across all the “quality of life” domains (i.e., employment, postsecondary education, community and independent living, recreation and leisure, etc.).

Statement of Policy & Principle

Partners in Transition will carry out its mission consistent with the following statement of policy and principle:

The State of Florida shall design, implement, and evaluate transition programs, projects, and activities in accordance with the principles and policies described below. These principles and policies are consistent with Federal law, including the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Developmental Disabilities Assistance, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, No Child Left Behind, Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Bill of Rights Act.

  1. Disability is a natural part of the human experience that does not diminish the right of individuals with developmental disabilities to live independently, to work in competitive, integrated settings, to exert control and choice over their own lives, and to fully participate in and contribute to their communities through full integration and inclusion in the economic, political, social, recreational, cultural, and educational mainstream of society.
  2. The outcomes of the State of Florida shall include providing individuals with developmental disabilities with equality of opportunity and the information, skills, and support to -
    • Make informed choices and decisions about their lives;
    • Live in homes and communities in which such individuals can exercise their full rights and responsibilities as citizens;
    • Pursue meaningful and productive lives, including employment in integrated, competitive settings;
    • Contribute to their families, communities, the state, and the Nation;
    • Enjoy interdependent friendships and relationships with other persons;
    • Receive supports and services that are based on personally determined goals, outcomes, and choice of providers.
    • Live free of abuse, neglect, financial and sexual exploitation, and violations of their legal and human rights; and
    • Achieve full integration and inclusion in society, in an individualized manner, consistent with the unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, and capabilities of each individual.
  3. The State of Florida shall recognize in its policy framework that individuals with developmental disabilities, including t hose with the most significant disabilities, are capable of self-determination, independence, employment in competitive, integrated settings, community service and volunteerism, and integration and inclusion in all facets of community life, but often require the provision of community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance to achieve this capability.
  4. Individuals with developmental disabilities and their families have competencies, capabilities, and personal goals that shall be recognized, supported, and encouraged, and any assistance to such individuals shall be provided in an individualized manner, consistent with the unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, and capabilities of such individuals.
  5. Individuals with developmental disabilities and/or their families are actively involved and serve as the primary decision makers regarding the services and supports they receive, including informed choices about inclusive community living. In addition they shall participate in making decisions about policies and programs that affect the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
  6. Services, supports, and other assistance shall be provided in a manner that demonstrates respect for individual dignity, personal preferences, and cultural differences.
  7. Specific efforts shall be made to ensure that individuals with developmental disabilities from religious and racial and ethnic minority backgrounds and their families enjoy increased and meaningful opportunities to access and use community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance available to other individuals with developmental disabilities and their families provided in a culturally competent fashion.
  8. Federal, state and local agencies and programs must work collaboratively to identify and align resources and eliminate all barriers that stand in the way of:
    • Coordinating the provision of transition services statewide for students with developmental disabilities as they prepare to leave school and access post-school outcomes including employment, postsecondary education, vocational training, programs, and inclusive, meaningful adult community services; and
    • Expanding and improving competitive, integrated employment opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities.
    • Expanding and facilitating market and private sector solutions and inclusive options for the workforce.

Statewide Plan for Transition
Partners In Transition has developed the Florida Strategic Plan on Transition which defines how state agencies, families, youth, government programs and society can reach more young Floridians with disabilities with a message of hope and the promise of independence; in their education, at work and in life.

The plan incorporates the five core components and values and principles, which are the result of an extensive literature review of research, demonstration projects and effective practices covering a wide range of transition programs and services.

Core components:

  1. School-based preparatory experiences such as good academic and vocational programs;
  2. Career preparation and work-based learning experiences such as career assessments, exposure to life-long learning opportunities, and paid and unpaid internships;
  3. Youth development and leadership opportunities such as exposure to mentors, role models, and the Youth Leadership Forum;
  4. Connecting activities such as transportation, physical and mental health, benefits planning, and futures planning; and
  5. Family involvement such as access to training and information about transition options and evidence-based transition practices.

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Last updated: 05/15/08.